38-40 Eton Avenue, London, NW3
also at Stanford Hall, Nr. Rugby & Hedgerley Wood, Nr. Chinnor

A retrospective of this unique school, by a former pupil (1961-1968)
with a massive and still growing number of contributions from others, spanning the1930s until closure

I have included some recent additional names
to the
list of former pupils linked below at

The lastest message from one of our alumni who we have note heard from before, one Peter Latham, now calling himself by his first name; Noa Latham. He joined the T&C at the same time as myself. Also Jennifer Beacham now Jenny Deadman.

I have also added a fascinating article about our art teacher Mary Gorrara who taught at the school from 1966-1968 Click here for her special page

In addition John O'Sullivan has discovered a great deal more about Mr & Mrs Paul's history from their days in Germany. I have an english translation added to here page at  Mrs Paul's section added in below the existing content,
or you can download the article as pdf here
I should mention that the wiki article borrows heavily from this website when covering the Paul's later life.

In addition to the regular navigation links below,here is a Google search, which will check this entire website for names etc.

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