Original Synopsis from BBC archive: Film of two children who both live in Gibson Square, Islington. The young boy comes from a working class home and lives in a basement flat in the square, his friend lives in a large house in the square, and she goes to a private school. Var s of children playing in the garden of Gibson Square in islington appear throughout the film. The parents of two of the children that live in Gibson Square, Islington talk about the education they are giving their children and what they expect their children to do when they lieave school. The working class family send their son to a council school, and have little idea of the methods of education used there, while the upper class family have chosed to send their children to a private progressive school. Var s of schoolchildren at a progressive school in Hampstead, children read stories, speak French etc. Headmistress talks about the aims of the school and its methods. S of children in playground and in |
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version below Any feedback regarding the film would also be appreciated. Finally thanks to Sabrina Crewe for sending me a copy of the original. This video is copyright BBC © and is reproduced in part here, under the fair use act, see the Understanding Fair Use fact sheet from UK Copyright Service. I am advised that some time ago the BBC deleted all six parts of the series, which were really an interesting social document of the time, from their archive. We are fortunate to have this episode saved by the Crewes. |